Plasma Ashers/Cleaners
Plasma Ashing/Cleaning Systems
We offer both the Glow Research Inc. Plasma Cleaners, Plasma Etchers and Plasma Ashers systems, and the ibss Group, In-Situ Plasma Ashing systems for hydrocarbon removal from CDSEM, SEM, TEM, FIB and other sensitive equipment. These systems will keep your system and samples clean, will eliminate charging effect and extend operation period between service intervention.
Glow Research systems are highly reliable, provided for both lab and productions use.
Glow Research systems are all modular - for easy module exchange, should there be a problem at a Customer site. This allows Glow Research to keep cost down, avoid field failures and provide our Customers with robust and trouble free plasma systems. All systems are provided with diagnostics and status lights that help confirm all modules are working correctly.
Our plasma systems are designed for treating material prior to coating, laminating or deposition, and are highly effective at treating a wide range of substrates or material. With our systems we Increased surface energy of a material, improves its adhesion characteristics, thereby allowing improved bonding, gluing, markability, paintability, and coatability.